Although today we are more familiar with skin cancer thanks to the campaigns that have been carried out on the importance of using sunscreen to protect us from solar radiation, it is true that there are still those who are not aware of the risks that are assumed when we sunbathe without proper protection.
Next, we will tell you a little about what skin cancer is and what its signs and symptoms are so that you can enjoy the sun without negative consequences for your health.

What is skin cancer?
According to, skin cancer is the uncontrolled result of the appearance of certain cells that are not typical of our skin.
When the DNA of the cells found in the skin is damaged, they are modified and mutated, multiplying much faster than natural and causing the appearance of malignant tumors that can cause serious health problems and even death, It usually develops on skin exposed to the sun, although it can also occur on areas of the skin that are not normally exposed to the sun.
There are 3 types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Signs and symptoms
Basal cell carcinoma
These carcinomas usually occur in areas of the skin exposed to the sun such as the face, neck and usually appear as:
- A waxy or pearly lump.
- A flat, brown or skin-colored scar-like injury.
- A crusty or bleeding sore that heals and comes back.

Squamous cell carcinoma
This type of skin cancer is cumulative to sun exposure, therefore, the risk of suffering from it increases with age, it occurs mainly on the face, ears and hands and can appear as:
- A red, firm nodule.
- A flat lesion with a scaly, crusty surface.

Although this type of tumor is much less frequent than those described above, it is the most aggressive, since it slowly invades all the healthy tissue of the skin that surrounds it and is capable of spreading throughout the body.
It appears more frequently on the face or torso of men; In women, this type of cancer most often develops in the lower legs, it can appear as:
- A large, brownish area with darker spots.
- A mole that changes color, size, or feel, or that bleeds.
- A small injury with an irregular border and parts that appear red, pink, white, blue, or dark blue.
- A painful injury that itches or burns.
- Dark injuries on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, the tips of the fingers, hands, feet, or on the mucosal lining of the mouth, nose, vagina, or anus.

Remember that skin cancer can be prevented by taking simple and easy precautions, such as:
- Use our Broad Spectrum Ultra-Protection SPF 50 Sunscreen against UVB and UVA rays, and reapply it during the day.
- Control the time of exposure to the sun.
- Avoid tanning with solar cameras.
Visiting your doctor regularly will help you to have an optimal state of health and to prevent or detect any anomaly in your body in time.