How to make a list of resolutions for 2023?

The end of the year is approaching and with it a new list of resolutions and goals that were fulfilled in 2022 or were left halfway to be completed in 2023.

January is one of the most awaited months, since it is associated with the idea of new beginnings, new cycles and challenges. It is the month where people idealize their new plans to accomplish throughout the year.

The best thing to do is to think about all the good things that the past year left behind, remembering the last 12 months and learning from the experiences, making the most of them. Now is the time to renew ourselves and set our priorities as short, medium and long term objectives.

If you are one of those who avoids setting New Year’s resolutions and goals because you did not achieve those of the previous year, do not be discouraged. This is the perfect opportunity to start again, set clear goals that are truly worthwhile and will help you to grow personally, professionally and spiritually.

Remember that everything that is worthwhile deserves an extra effort and that later the reward will be your best ally.

How to make resolutions for 2023?

First you must make a list of your goals for 2023, from that list select 10 things you want to achieve and focus on them … Don’t know how to start? It’s very simple, choose a dream in each of the areas you consider most important. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Family.
  • Friends.
  • Finance.
  • Health and beauty.
  • Things to buy.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Travel.
  • Pending goals.
  • Sports.

Start with a vision statement. Every project should start with a vision statement. … Visualize it and make it a reality, describe the goals you have defined in that vision and date them, set your objectives for each project you have in mind. But how do I write my resolutions?

It is important that you write everything down, we are already in the digital era, but going back to this manual part makes you focus more on your purposes and value more what you are doing.

Take a piece of paper, cardboard, notebook and draw two columns, in the left column, write down all the negative thoughts about yourself, example: I never exercise. Then, in the right column, write the opposite by stating the opposite, for example: I will exercise 2 times a week.

CWhen you have finished your resolutions, read the list of positive thoughts and resolutions out loud, focus your mind on optimizing everything you want to do, start with positive phrases that increase your ego and desire to enjoy life, you can make things change, but it all depends on your attitude and disposition.

Spend your energy focusing on the positive. Your life can change if you want it to. One study showed that simply writing down your goals increases the likelihood of achieving them by 42%.

Once we have our list, start looking for images, clippings, photos and phrases related to all the wishes you wrote. Here we can be as creative as possible, you can include cards with positive phrases, stickers and any type of element that in some way or another relates to your goals.

It is important that you share all these goals with that circle of people closest to you as your FAMILY, sharing with them all your hopes and dreams will make things much easier, as they can also contribute in the process of compliance because they will always want the best for you, surrounding yourself with positive people, with good energy will make you be more focused and concentrated in your process.

From now on you will always make it a priority to have positive feelings towards yourself, pamper yourself, take care of your health, exercise, get at least 8 hours of sleep, and take care of your health. Doing the things that you really enjoy and make you happy, helps the process to be more bearable and things go better for you.

Learn to say NO, to all actions or situations that instead of adding are actually subtracting time and space that you need to take better care of yourselves and avoid exhaustion, as soon as you start you will feel an incredible change in your energy. Start enjoying YOUR process, it is important to follow up on everything you are doing and the results you are getting.

One of the most frequent mistakes is to review our resolutions again at the end of the year. The best thing to do is to set short periods and give timely follow-up to each goal, you decide, but do not set them so far apart from each other.

Now … What are your resolutions for 2023?

Below, you will find a list of the main resolutions to fulfill this 2023

  • Do some kind of physical activity. This is the most used purpose and it is not only important for our physical health, but also for our mental health, which is what allows us to perform at work, academically or socially, releasing endorphins that generate an indescribable feeling of wellbeing in our body.
  • Find a new hobby. This makes the time pass much faster and your happiness hormone reaches the highest level. You will notice that everything will go better for you and you occupy your time with things that really make you happy.
  • Put an end to bad habits. Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, substances that affect your health, not getting enough sleep and poor nutrition.
  • Start traveling more and getting to know new places. Choose that place you’ve always wanted to go, start saving and choose your itinerary.
  • Listen to your emotions. Learn to recognize what makes you happy and start working on it.
  • Adopt an animal. It is one of the most rewarding acts you can do and you will be grateful for the rest of your life.
  • Cooking as a family. This will strengthen the bonds with your loved ones and make the family always more united.
  • Make a DETOX diet of social networks. It is time to eliminate those toxic people who do not contribute anything positive to your life.
  • Take time to grow in all aspects. Through books, podcasts, or audiobooks.
  • Learn other languages. This helps you in the workplace and have greater employment opportunities.
  • Ask for help from a professional whenever you think it is necessary. A psychologist, a therapist, a coach to accompany you in the process of healing what does not make you feel good.
  • Helping the most needy. Through financial and material donations or by volunteering to different foundations in need.
  • Reduce screen time. Using less cell phone, tv, Tablet, will allow you to spend more time and enjoy with all your loved ones.
  • Create a joy journal. In it you can write down the emotions and happy moments you feel throughout the day.
  • Learn to be grateful. Every day learn to say THANK YOU for everything that happens to you, whether it is people, things or experiences.

Always remember that the main purpose of life is to be happy, to love, value and accept yourself as you are. Let’s try to avoid arguments, anger and misunderstandings with our family and friends and focus on sharing with them all the good things that life has in store for us.

Keep in mind what really makes you happy and what will get you closer to where you want to be tomorrow and always remember these 4 key words

Define: Realistic and achievable objectives.

Divide: In stages and establish steps to achieve them.

Persist: With dedication and discipline anything is possible.

Follow-up: Track your performance and adjust strategies if necessary.

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