Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The stories behind the pink ribbon

After skin cancer, breast cancer is the second most diagnosed worldwide. It is necessary to create awareness, to know how to interpret the warning signs, seek medical help or be the support system of someone who is going through this disease.

Probably from an early age you heard about the importance of going to the doctor in case of detecting an abnormality in your breasts. But would you know how to identify those signs? What do you know about this type of cancer?

When it comes to breast cancer, there are many factors to take into account and knowing them could help you.

  1. First things first! What is it?: Cancer develops when cells in the breasts start to grow out of control, leading to malignant behavior and tumor formation.
  2. Many people believe that this type of cancer occurs only in women and although it tends to be more common in women, it is important to know that it can also occur in men.
  3. Dealing with breast cancer can be completely exhausting and heartbreaking on a physical and emotional level, but the truth is that thanks to advances in medicine, key progress has been made in early detection and diagnosis, as well as in treatment; Therefore, survival rates have increased, and the number of deaths from this disease has been reduced, which can be attributed to three factors: early detection, a personalized approach to treatment, and a better understanding of the disease.
  4. How to caught it early? A Self-exam can be that first step in helping and keeping you healthy. Self-examination can help you spot lumps, nipple changes, or any other unusual changes, which can lead to an early detection.

In this Cancer Awareness Month The Funcancer Foundation has opened its doors for some women to share their stories, and their experiences, so we can learn about the way they faced cancer, sharing the processes of their fight against it.

Ingrid went to the doctor because she had an inverted nipple, and that is how in 2018 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She accepted it and with tears in her eyes said that she was going to get out of that situation, although she did not know what was coming, she decided to fight.

Her message for women with cancer was forceful “Go ahead and do everything the doctor says, the fact that you are diagnosed does not mean that you are going to die.” And this is how after four years, Ingrid managed to defeat cancer and today she is studying to become a nurse, because her dream is to help more women in the fight against breast cancer.

Liliana Ospina after leaving a medical appointment and after a routine mammogram, was diagnosed with breast cancer and that was when her fight began. When she lost her hair, she proudly wore her shaved head, she took advantage of the time to walk, go out and make plans with her children.

Cancer taught her to live in peace and carries a message of hope for those women who face it, “today breast cancer has a very minimal percentage of mortality, you have to fight, until the last minute, because it is a difficult process, but at the same time it is a very beautiful process, it teaches us to live with hope.” Her dream is to carry her testimony everywhere.

These wonderful women shared their story to bring not only a voice of encouragement, but also a call to raise awareness about breast cancer, they all mention the importance of self-examination and continuing with all medical treatment, no matter how challenging the process may it be.

And at the end they took home one of our star products, the Rosehip Oil, created with oils of Amazonian and Chilean origin, with a 100% natural formula rich in Vitamins A, B, C and E; ideal for hydrating, regenerating and repairing the skin.

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