How to avoid stretch marks and reduce their appearance?

Stretch marks are one of the most frequent problems in women both in adolescence and adulthood and it is even more common during pregnancy, especially when there is an increase in weight or when there is a multiple gestation.


Stretch marks are tension lines, which appear perpendicular to the tension of the skin. The skin breaks, as if it were a scar. Sometimes they are practically imperceptible and sometimes they completely mark the body.

As they are a break in the skin, they will start out purplish red, due to the blood supply, although with time they heal and turn white, as they lose the blood supply. But there is a very frequent question: Why do stretch marks appear? and its causes.

  1. Hormonal activity: They appear in adolescence, usually on the hips, thighs and lumbosacral region.
  2. Pregnancy: It is generated by the distension of the skin. Stretch marks do not always appear during pregnancy due to the increase in weight, it all depends on the condition and characteristics of the woman’s skin.
  3. Excessive weight gain in a short period of time: This is due to the skin being exposed to excessive stress.
  4. Familial genetics: The skin lacks adequate hydration, both due to deficient water intake and lack of use of moisturizing creams.
  5. Weightlifting and anabolic use: Men who are predisposed to weightlifting and ingesting anabolics to increase their muscle mass more quickly and abundantly.
  6. Diseases: Addison’s or Cushing’s disease are predisposing factors for stretch marks because they cause deficits in cortisol production.

One of the most common questions asked by 80% of women is: Is it possible to remove stretch marks?

There are techniques used only by specialists to remove or reduce stretch marks, but they must be supervised only by a professional, among the most recommended are the following:


Consists of exfoliating the skin using chemical products. What it does is to eliminate the most superficial layers that are damaged in order to eliminate the layer of tissue where the stretch mark is, regenerating with new healthy tissue.

Laser to eliminate stretch marks

Laser allows smoothing the surface of the skin, improving collagen and promoting regeneration.


Is a treatment in which carbon dioxide (CO2) is injected into the subcutaneous tissue. This component improves blood circulation in the area and with it, better oxygenation. This allows the skin to have more firmness in the tissues, which helps to improve the appearance of scars and have a more rejuvenated and smooth skin.

Mesotherapy and pressotherapy

Mesotherapy is the infiltration of products such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins, coenzymes, among others, into the dermis. In this way, they penetrate the skin, reactivating new cells and obtaining rejuvenated and smooth skin, which makes stretch marks disappear. Pressotherapy is a massage that helps to improve circulation and improve the skin. It is a treatment suitable for reducing stretch marks, which, combined with other treatments, can help in their disappearance.

How can I prevent stretch marks in pregnancy?

We share with you 10 tips you can follow to avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

Drink plenty of water

It is recommended that adults drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day.

Eat foods rich in zinc

Lamb meat, oysters, wheat germ, calf liver, pumpkin seeds or dark chocolate contain large amounts of zinc.

Massage your skin with natural oils, such as Rosehip oil

It helps nourish and regenerate the dermis, it is excellent to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and flaccidity. It is advisable to apply the oil on the area to be treated with a gentle massage in a circular motion, with clean and moisturized skin and make this application before bedtime and in the morning. Our recommended product is Infinitek Paris Rose Hip Oil.

Avoid losing weight or gaining weight abruptly

Following extreme diets such as the so-called miracle diets are not good, with which you lose weight quickly. The healthiest thing to do is to maintain a balanced and constant weight.

Exercise regularly

This helps to improve blood circulation, the skin will become more elastic if you improve your muscle tone.

Cover and protect your skin from direct sun exposure

Otherwise, the skin dries out, which favors the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, if you already have stretch marks and you expose them to the sun, they will become darker.

Nourish your skin on a daily basis

It is essential to maintain its elasticity and make it ready to resist the distension caused by the increase in body volume.

Many must be wondering if there is a natural way to eliminate stretch marks and the answer is YES, by following these tips:


Avocado is a fruit with an incredible moisturizing power, it is used to reduce wrinkles and to help eliminate stretch marks. Having moisturized skin is one of the determining factors to achieve the total disappearance of stretch marks, and avocado has the perfect properties to improve the elasticity of the skin.

You can find creams with avocado oil or prepare your own cream at home (with half an avocado, an aloe vera leaf and a teaspoon of olive oil). Mix it all together and apply it to the affected area.

Vitamin E

These promotes blood circulation and also serves as a skin moisturizer, helping the elasticity to be in an optimal state. It can be consumed in capsules or consuming foods rich in this vitamin, such as olive oil, nuts, vegetables or most fruits.

Egg whites

They contain a high content of proteins and amino acids. Just mix them and place them on the affected area. Then let them dry completely and rinse with cold water. Do this process daily for two weeks for best results.

Papaya juice

It is supremely rich in vitamins and one of the best treatments for the skin, it also helps to prevent stretch marks. Papaya promotes the restoration and growth of skin cells, cut it into small pieces and gently rub it on the affected area. Let it sit for ten minutes and when the juice dries, rinse with warm water.

We hope this blog helps you to prevent and treat stretch marks. Remember that the sooner stretch marks are treated, the better are the chances of getting rid of them.

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