Autorización para el tratamiento de datos

He sido informado(a) por NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S (Responsable del tratamiento) de lo siguiente: (i) Los datos suministrados en este documento serán tratados para los siguientes propósitos: Enviar o utilizar la información para fines contractuales, de atención al cliente, de marketing (tales como análisis de consumos, trazabilidad de marca entre otros), comerciales, (tales como beneficios, promociones, descuentos, campañas vigentes, eventos promocionales, escritos, imágenes, mensajes de datos, marcas aliadas y programas de las marcas propias o de los aliados entre otros), actualizar datos y brindar información relevante; De consulta para responder las consultas acerca de productos y servicios ofrecidos, la realización de estudios con fines estadísticos, de conocimiento del cliente.

De Información, para informarles a los titulares de los datos sobre novedades, productos, servicios y ofertas especiales, para el desarrollo de actividades relacionadas con servicios de atención telefónica, cobranzas u otros de naturaleza similar. Permitiéndole transferir o transmitir los datos o información parcial o total a sus filiales, comercios, empresas y/o entidades afiliadas y aliados estratégicos o comerciales que operen o no en otra jurisdicción o territorio colombiano. (ii) Es facultativo responder preguntas sobre datos sensibles o de menores de edad; (iii) Como titular de los datos y/o representante del menor, tengo los derechos de conocer, actualizar, rectificar o suprimir mi información o revocar la autorización otorgada; (iv) En caso de no ser resuelta mi solicitud directamente, y subsidiariamente, tengo derecho a presentar quejas ante la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, acorde con la ley 1581 de 2012, el Decreto 1377 de 2013 y demás normas complementarias; (v) Mis derechos y obligaciones, los puedo ejercer observando estrictamente la Política de Tratamiento de Datos de NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S Disponible en y comunicándose al correo electrónico Consultar Política de tratamiento de datos personales

Declaro que el suministro de datos de terceros, lo he realizado con su inequívoca y expresa autorización

Origen de ingresos

EL CLIENTE al consentir en cualquiera de los contratos que se perfeccionan al realizar transacciones en, declara bajo la gravedad de juramento, que sus ingresos provienen de actividades lícitas, que no se encuentra con registro negativo en listados de prevención de lavado de activos nacionales o internacionales, que no se encuentra dentro de una de las dos categorías de lavado de activos (conversión o movimiento) y que en consecuencia, se obliga a responder frente a NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S por todos los perjuicios que se llegaren a causar como consecuencia de esta afirmación. En igual sentido responderá ante terceros. Declara igualmente, que sus conductas se ajustan a la ley y a la ética y, en consecuencia se obliga a implementar las medidas tendientes a evitar que sus operaciones puedan ser utilizadas con o sin su consentimiento y conocimiento como instrumentos para el ocultamiento, manejo, inversión o aprovechamiento en cualquier forma de dinero u otros bienes provenientes de actividades delictivas, o para dar apariencia de legalidad a estas actividades.

En el mismo sentido, se compromete a actuar dentro del marco legal vigente en Colombia, dando cumplimiento a todos los procedimientos, trámites y obligaciones contemplados en la Ley y demás normas pertinentes y que cualquier evidencia de que estos principios no se cumplen o puedan estar en entredicho será causal suficiente para resolver, a criterio de la Parte cumplida, el Contrato que resulte de su aceptación.



The Infinitek Paris referral program is a space through which customers have the opportunity to recommend our brand to their friends and earn rewards for referrals.

This document specifies in depth the terms and conditions to which the participants of this “REFERRAL PROGRAM” organized and executed by Infinitek Paris are subject to.

Participation in the activity implies full and unconditional knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. Any violation of these terms and conditions or any violation of the established procedures and systems will imply the immediate exclusion/elimination of the participant and/or of the rewards obtained, whether this occurs prior or subsequent to its realization.

The most recent version of this program, along with its terms and conditions, is effective as of February 2024. It is the responsibility of the users to be aware of the terms and conditions and to keep themselves informed of any updates.

Methodology and mechanics of the game

If the customer and/or person wishes to participate, they must refer a friend and the friend must purchase with a promotional link provided by the customer.

1. It is the obligation of the client and/or person to read and understand the information provided by the program.

2. The client can refer a friend through the web page, in this way:

  • At the top of the web page there is the option “refer a friend”, the person must click here and copy the link.
  • You must share this link with your friend. Once the link opens, the person must enter their personal information and an email address where they will receive the email with their prize, in this case, 20% OFF on their entire purchase.
  • Once the referral buys with the 20%, the referrer (who referred) will receive an email with his prize, in this case 20% OFF + FREE SHIPPING on their purchase, with a code.
  • The referral and referrer code is NOT cumulative with other discounts or promotions.
  • The client can be part of the program by his own will, or if he wishes, he can be advised by the sales team, which is also able to register the client’s information.
  • No changes or refunds on the exchange of the prize will be accepted.

General conditions

1. The terms and conditions of the referral program can be found at the bottom of the website, exactly in the “Terms and Conditions” section.

2. Participants are responsible for knowing, complying with and updating themselves regarding all rules and policies of the referral program, once they have entered to participate.

3. By participating in this program it is understood that the participant has read, understands and accepts such terms and conditions.

4. Infinitek Paris shall not be liable for any damages of any nature whatsoever or whatsoever that may occur to the referrer and referral as a result of their participation in the program.

5. Once the client participates, they approve and authorize the processing of personal data.

In exercise of the data treatment here authorized, I have been informed by NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S (Responsible for the treatment) of the following: (i) The data provided in this document will be treated for the following purposes: Send or use the information for contractual purposes, customer service, marketing (Such as consumption analysis, brand traceability among others), Commercial, (Such as benefits, promotions, discounts, current campaigns, promotional events, writings, images, data messages, allied brands and programs of own brands or allies among others), update data and provide relevant information; Of consultation to answer queries about products and services offered, conducting studies for statistical purposes, knowledge of the client.

To learn more about the policy of data processing, customers and / or users may consult the website

With the acceptance of the present document, the clients and/or users authorize Infinitek Paris – NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S. and the agencies or persons that it authorizes, to treat their data for the indicated purposes, and in agreement with the effective norms on data treatment.

Terms and Conditions of the Infinitek Paris Testimonial Program

Through the Infinitek Paris testimonial program customers and/or individuals can share their experience after using the products through photographic records specifically showing a before and after. Showing a real result is an essential task to participate in the program.

The terms and conditions to which the participants of this “TESTIMONIAL PROGRAM” organized and executed by Infinitek Paris are subject are specified in detail in this document.

The participation in the Testimonial Program implies full and unconditional knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. Any violation of these terms and conditions or any violation of the established procedures and systems will imply the immediate exclusion/elimination of the participant and elimination of the rewards obtained, whether this occurs before or after the activity has been carried out.

The most recent version of this program, along with its terms and conditions, is effective as of February 2024. It is the responsibility of users to be aware of the terms and conditions and to keep informed of updates.


If the customer and/or individual wishes to share their testimonial, it is necessary that they have previously purchased and used Infinitek Paris branded products.

1. If a client and/or person wants to be part of the Infinitek Paris brand testimonial program, it is mandatory that he/she has previously purchased and used Infinitek Paris products.

2. It is the obligation of the client and/or person to read and understand the information provided by the program.

3. To learn more about the Infinitek Paris brand testimonial program, please visit – Testimonials.

4. If the client and/or person wishes to participate, he/she must register his/her data, accept the image use authorization, and upload the before and after photographs of the use of the products. The photographs must be taken and uploaded following the instructions indicated by the brand.

5. To make the participation effective, the customer must accept the policy of data processing and use of images. Once accepted, it is understood that he/she agrees that his/her image may be used for commercial benefits.

6. The brand’s market team is in charge of reviewing and approving the testimonials submitted, based on the content criteria required by the brand and its team.

7. Once the quality of the testimonial has been verified, we proceed to contact the client to give away 150 USD redeemable only in the online store * Valid for selected products. * Only 1 product per reference.

8. The products selected by the customer are redeemed at their value without discount. That is to say, discounts, promotions, and special gifts will not be taken into account when redeeming the prize.

9. The redemption of the prize is not cumulative with discounts, promotions or campaigns being managed by Infinitek Paris.

10. The marketing team will contact the participant via email and request the necessary information for the shipment. Likewise, the terms and conditions will be attached to the email so that the participant remembers each of the points.

11. The winner may only redeem the prize on the following products:

1. Dermo-Clean Micellar Solution.
2. Multi-Active 360 Eye Contour.
3. Dead Sea Mud Mask.
4. Rose Hip Oil.
5. Blossom Hand Cream.
6. Infinit-Ink red lip and cheek tint.
7. Sugar Kiss Lip Scrub.
8. Luxury Lip Balm.
9. Retinol Moisturizer Cream.
10. Hyaluronic Acid Serum.
11. Vitamin C Serum.
12. Crystal Rose Serum.
13. Juicy Bag.
14. Silicone Brush Mask.

Mechanics of the activity on the testimonial program

1. Testimonials will be chosen according to skin changes.

2. There will be only one winner per drawing held.

3. The Infinitek Paris brand marketing team will be in charge of the Giveaways and will have the free will to review, analyze, and if necessary delete information or photos shared that do not correspond or are not aligned with the requirements.

4. The customer can register for the program of his choosing, or if he wishes, he can be advised by the sales team, who can also register the customer’s information.

5. The winner will be announced via email by the Infinitek Paris marketing team.

6. The winner has 1 month to respond and claim their prize by replying to the email provided.

7. The prize will only be redeemable through

8. No changes or refunds are accepted on prize redemption.

9. The prize is non-refundable and is not redeemable with products outside the official Infinitek Paris website.

General conditions

1. The terms and conditions of the Infinitek Paris testimonial program are published on the website in the “Testimonials” section.

2. By participating in this program, it is understood that the participant has read, understands, and accepts these terms and conditions.

3. Participants are responsible for knowing, complying with, and updating themselves regarding all rules and policies of the testimonial program once they have entered.

4. These terms and conditions, as well as the benefits of the Infinitek Paris Testimonial Program, are non-negotiable and non-exchangeable.

5. Infinitek Paris shall not be liable for any damages of any nature whatsoever or whatsoever that may occur to the referrer as a result of his/her participation in the Infinitek Paris program.

6. The prize cannot be combined with any discount or promotion on the website. The products chosen will be at full price.

Regulations for the use, handling, and protection of personal data

By participating in the Infinitek Paris testimonial program, clients and/or users accept the personal data treatment policies and know that Infinitek Paris and the agencies or persons authorized by it, are responsible for the treatment of their information, which may be used for commercial and service purposes, informing that:

In order to exercise the data processing herein authorized, I have been informed by NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S (Data Controller) of the following: (i) The data provided in this document will be processed for the following purposes: Send or use the information for contractual purposes, customer service, marketing (Such as consumption analysis, brand traceability among others), Commercial, (Such as benefits, promotions, discounts, current campaigns, promotional events, writings, images, data messages, allied brands and programs of own brands or allies among others), update data and provide relevant information; Of consultation to answer queries about products and services offered, conducting studies for statistical purposes, knowledge of the client.

To learn more about the data processing policy, customers and/or users may consult the website

With the acceptance of the present document, the clients and/or users authorize Infinitek Paris – NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S. and the agencies or persons that it authorizes, to treat their data for the indicated purposes, and under the effective norms on data treatment.


The Infinitek Paris review program is a space through which customers have the opportunity to rate our products after using them through a comment, or a photo, and rating them from 1 to 5 stars.

The terms and conditions to which the participants of this “REVIEWS PROGRAM” organized and executed by Infinitek Paris are subject to, are thoroughly specified in this document.

Participation in the activity implies full and unconditional knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. Any violation of these terms and conditions or any violation of the established procedures and systems will imply the immediate exclusion/elimination of the participant and/or of the rewards obtained, whether this occurs before or after its realization.

The most recent version of this program, along with its terms and conditions, is effective as of February 2024. It is the responsibility of users to be aware of the terms and conditions and to keep informed of updates.

Your opinion is very valuable to us, share your experience and win up to 1 FREE PRODUCT.

Methodology and mechanics of the game

If the client and/or person wishes to share their opinion regarding one or more of our products, they must have purchased and made use of Infinitek Paris brand products.

1. If a client and/or person wants to be part of the Infinitek Paris testimonial program, they must have previously purchased and made use of Infinitek Paris products.

2. It is the obligation of the client and/or person to read and understand the information provided by the program.

3. To participate, the client only has to leave their opinion regarding the product or kit they used.

4. To win, the customer must have purchased the qualifying products or kits. This information is verified in the database by the marketing and sales team.

5. The brand’s marketing team is in charge of reviewing and approving the reviews based on the content criteria required by the brand and its team. They will also be in charge of communicating with the winners on a monthly basis.

6. Once the veracity of the review and the purchase are verified, the marketing team will communicate with the winners by email and WhatsApp to confirm the data and send the respective prize.

7. The product of the month changes according to the month. It is at the choice of Infinitek Paris.

8. The prize is not cumulative with discounts, promotions, or campaigns that Infinitek Paris is managing.

9. On a monthly basis, the marketing team will draw a report of the reviews of the month, and those who apply, are the participants of the activity. There will be only 1 winner per month.

10. The client can register for the program of their choice, or if he wishes, he can be advised by the sales team, who can register the client’s information as well.

11. No exchanges or refunds are accepted for the prize.

12. The prize is non-refundable and is not redeemable with products outside the official Infinitek Paris website.

General terms and conditions

1. The terms and conditions of the review program can be found at the bottom of the web page, exactly in the section “Terms and Conditions”.

2. By participating in this program it is understood that the participant has read, understands, and accepts such terms and conditions.

3. Participants are responsible for knowing, complying with, and updating themselves about all rules and policies of the review program, once they have entered to participate.

4. These terms and conditions and the benefits of the Infinitek Paris Review Program are non-negotiable and non-exchangeable.

5. Infinitek Paris shall not be liable for any damages of any nature whatsoever or whatever that may occur to the referrer and referral as a result of their participation in the Infinitek Paris program.

In the exercise of the data processing here authorized, I have been informed by NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S (Data Controller) of the following: (i) The data provided in this document will be processed for the following purposes: Send or use the information for contractual purposes, customer service, marketing (Such as consumption analysis, brand traceability among others), Commercial, (Such as benefits, promotions, discounts, current campaigns, promotional events, writings, images, data messages, allied brands and programs of own brands or allies among others), update data and provide relevant information; Of consultation to answer queries about products and services offered, conducting studies for statistical purposes, knowledge of the client.

To learn more about the policy of data processing, customers and/or users may consult the website

With the acceptance of the present document, the clients and/or users authorize Infinitek Paris – NATURAL VGP NUTRITION S.A.S. and the agencies or persons that it authorizes, to treat their data for the indicated purposes, and in agreement with the effective norms on data treatment.


At Infinitek we embrace the needs of our customers by providing confidence and allowing our community to enjoy an experience of love and happiness. Our products are made with a touch of magic; the moment they arrive in your hands, the packaging and decoration speak volumes about the care and dedication put into crafting them.

We are dedicated to enhancing our customers’ experience with surprises, from free shipping to free gifts and free products under terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions to which free gifts and free shipping organized and executed by Infinitek Paris are subject are fully specified herein.

Participation in the activity implies full and unconditional knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. Any violation of these terms and conditions or the violation of the established procedures and systems will imply the immediate exclusion/elimination of the participant and of the rewards obtained, whether this occurs before or after the activity has been carried out.

The most recent version of this program, along with its terms and conditions, is effective as of February 2024. It is the responsibility of users to be aware of the terms and conditions and to keep informed of updates.

General conditions of the activities.

Before participating in the activity, participants must ensure that they comply with the established requirements; and read, understand, and accept each of the important points of this document.

  • Prizes can be automatically redeemed as long as the customer meets with the minimum purchase amount.
  • FREE SHIPPING for purchases over $200.000 COP – 1.200 MXN – 75 USD.
  • This activity will be valid as long as it is active on the website.
  • This activity will be valid as long as it is active on the website.
  • These activities are valid for individual purchases.
  • No exchanges or refunds will be accepted for prizes won by the customer.
  • Delivery time terms may be variable, depending on the purchase demand.
  • If you have any doubts, you can contact one of our personalized advisors.

Terms and Conditions

Infinitek Paris has limited product units and free shipping, which will be delivered to each person who complies with the methodology of the activity.

All users will be able to participate in the activities as long as they comply with the amount indicated on the web page or in the terms and conditions.

The activities will be in force according to the time established by the Infinitek Paris marketing department and customer information may be corroborated and confirmed at any time. The data provided must be truthful.

Multiple purchases per person are allowed, as long as each purchase individually exceeds the stipulated amount.

Only prizes corresponding to purchases made during the dates of the activity will be valid. No other form of participation will be valid. The prize is non-transferable and is not redeemable for cash, nor will there be any opportunity for exchange or refund.

This dynamic is the full responsibility of Infinitek Paris and has no affiliation with e-commerce platforms or social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, nor is it promoted, supported, or organized by any of these. The personal data information provided by the participants under this activity will be collected by Infinitek Paris and may be used for future sending of information related to advertising or related.

The terms and conditions of the activity will remain posted on the Infinitek Paris website. Participants accept without any modification or restriction, all conditions, terms, and notices contained in these rules for the purposes of the activity. If the participant does not agree with the terms and conditions of the rules or the activity as such, they have the full right not to participate.

Other legal terms and conditions

In addition to complying with the above terms and conditions, contestants, participants, and winners of the activities must comply with the following legal terms and conditions:

If the winner does not accept the benefit or conditions of the prize or the conditions contained in this document, they are deemed to waive the prize.

Furthermore, it is understood that they waive any claim that they could exercise in any instance including administrative and judicial instances, and also waive to exercise total or partial indemnity actions against Infinitek Paris.

Infinitek Paris may decide to definitively disqualify a participant in case of detection of fraud or false or incomplete data or information, as well as for non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Infinitek Paris may also decide, at its discretion, to disqualify a participant if it considers that their actions may affect in any way morals, public order and/or good customs and/or may cause prejudice of any kind to the other participants, to third parties or to the good name and reputation of the Infinitek Paris brand.

Any total or partial manipulation of true data or actions that imply falsity of documents and information, will imply the immediate exclusion of the participant, the cancellation of such records and/or the revocation of the prizes.
Any person wishing to participate must be aware of these terms and conditions, since the acceptance and receipt of the prize entails the mandatory and unavoidable obligation to know the conditions of participation, as well as the conditions, limitations and responsibilities, not only of these regulations, but also those that by this same document entails the claim and acceptance of a prize.

Once the activity is accepted it is understood that…

The holder of the information used for the fulfillment of the awards expressly authorizes Infinitek Paris, including those responsible or in charge, to treat, collect, use, store, consult, analyze, verify, report, process, provide, delete, share, transmit and transfer your personal data (including sensitive and biometric data) for statistical, commercial, advertising, marketing purposes, as well as to contact you for the offering of products and services, promotions and campaigns, all under the Law. By participating in this activity, you declare that you have been informed of the use that will be made of your personal data, that this information may be transmitted to third parties responsible for handling personal data and transferred to third countries regardless of whether or not they meet the minimum requirements for the protection of personal data established by law for their treatment and that you have accepted it freely, voluntarily and spontaneously. Likewise, he/she declares that the information provided is truthful, complete, accurate and verifiable and that at any time they may update it, rectify it, consult it, know it or request its deletion under current regulations. Likewise, they expressly authorize the sending of text messages (SMS and/or MMS), messages through messaging platforms and/or social networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.), postal or certified mail and e-mails.

By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to assign to Infinitek Paris all rights to the use of his/her image in part or in all multimedia or audiovisual material (photos, videos, audios) recorded during the acceptance and realization of this activity. Failure to assign these rights will be taken as non-acceptance of the prize.

In case the winner does not comply with any of the points described above, the prize will be canceled.

Do you have any doubts? Contact one of our personalized consultants.


Infinitek Paris rewards you for purchases over 100 USD by sending you a randomly selected free product.


Steps to participate:

1. When the customer makes a purchase over 100 USD, a free product will automatically be added to the customer’s cart.

2. The product comes in its original packaging.

3. The complimentary product will be shipped along with the purchased items.

4. The free product is not eligible for exchanges or returns as it will be packed randomly.

5. Applicable for orders placed from 14th to 16th August.

6. Individuals can only receive this gift for purchases exclusively made on the Infinitek Paris website or through their consultant.

Terms and Conditions:

Infinitek Paris has limited product units available, which will be given to individuals for purchases exceeding the specified amounts. Activity winners will be selected as follows:

Participants must fully and correctly follow all activity steps. Valid for individuals aged 18 or above residing in USA.

The promotion is only valid from 14th to August 16th.

Provided information must be truthful. Multiple purchases per person are allowed, as long as each one individually exceeds the specified amount.

The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. This promotion is the sole responsibility of Infinitek Paris and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook or Instagram, nor is it promoted, supported, or organized by these social media platforms. Participants release Facebook and Instagram from any claims or liabilities arising from or in relation to this activity. In case of identifying fraudulent participation, the participant may be unilaterally disqualified without an obligation to provide an explanation. Winners may be contacted through internal means via the Instagram channel to coordinate prize delivery.

The activity’s terms and conditions will remain published on the Infinitek Paris – USA website for a period of six (3) months after the promotion ends. By participating, users automatically acknowledge full understanding of the mechanics and conditions of the activity. Participants accept, without modification or restriction, all conditions, terms, and notices contained in these regulations for its purposes. If a participant does not agree with the regulations or the activity itself, they have the full right not to participate.

General Conditions and Restrictions:

Before participating in the activity, participants must ensure they meet the established requirements, read, understand, and accept all the terms and conditions. Direct employees of Infinitek Paris, their spouses or permanent partners, immediate family up to the fourth degree of consanguinity (children, parents, siblings, uncles, and first cousins), second degree of affinity (spouse and siblings-in-law), and first civil degree (adopted children) cannot participate in the activity.

OTHER LEGAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: In addition to complying with the aforementioned terms and conditions, contestants, participants, and contest winners must comply with the following legal terms and conditions:

  • Each contestant authorizes Infinitek Paris to disclose the activity’s results, publish their name as the winner, or share information related to it, produce audiovisual material about the contest and the prizes in any advertising medium.
  • If the winner does not accept the benefit or conditions of the prize or the conditions contained in these terms and conditions, it is considered a waiver. Furthermore, it is understood that they waive any claims that could be exercised in any instance, including administrative and/or judicial instances, and also waive the right to claim total or partial compensation against Infinitek Paris.
  • Infinitek Paris may decide to definitively disqualify a participant in the event of detecting fraud or false or incomplete data or information in the contest participation, as well as for non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Additionally, Infinitek Paris may, at its discretion, disqualify a participant if it considers their actions could in any way affect morality, public order, and/or good manners and/or could cause prejudice of any kind to other participants, third parties, or the good name and reputation of the Infinitek Paris brand.
  • Participants and winners, by participating in this contest, authorize Infinitek Paris to publish audiovisual content containing their personal and biometric information and their copyright and image rights, for use in marketing and promotion activities of the Infinitek Paris brand owned by NATURAL VGP NUTRITION. This material may be disseminated and shared by Infinitek Paris on any of its websites, messaging platforms, and/or existing social networks (Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc.).
  • Infinitek Paris reserves the right to make adjustments to the presented terms and conditions, suspend, postpone, and/or cancel the activity at any time and for any reason, with or without prior notice to the Participants. Notification of the contest’s termination will be published on the official Instagram page.
  • Postponement, suspension, termination, or early cancellation may also occur due to force majeure events or fortuitous events, health emergencies, economic, social, and ecological emergencies (including the current situation with the Pandemic) that make it impossible to carry out this activity.
  • Any total or partial manipulation of true data or actions implying falsification of documents and information will imply the immediate exclusion of the participant, the annulment of such records, and/or the revocation of prizes.
  • Anyone wishing to participate in the contest or claim a prize must be aware of these terms and conditions, as accepting and receiving the prize entails the compulsory and unavoidable obligation of knowing the participation conditions, as well as the conditions, limitations, and responsibilities, not only of these regulations but also those that, by virtue of this document, entail the claim and acceptance of a prize.
  • The prize must be claimed ONLY by the person declared as the winner, who must provide a copy of their identification document (identity card or alien registration card) and/or passport for the processing and awarding of the prizes.
  • If at any time, before, during, or after this event, it is discovered that the winner does not comply with these regulations, the organizers may disqualify them and refuse to deliver their prize. If it has already been delivered, they may demand its return or equivalent compensation in cash through legal channels.
  • The winner will receive their prize, and no exchanges for cash are accepted.
  • The owner of the information used to fulfill prize delivery expressly authorizes Infinitek Paris, including its responsible parties or appointees, to process, collect, use, store, consult, analyze, verify, report, process, supply, delete, share, transmit, and transfer their personal data (including sensitive and biometric data) for statistical, commercial, advertising, marketing purposes, as well as to contact them for product offerings, services, promotions, and campaigns, all in accordance with the law. By participating in this activity, they manifest that they have been informed of the use that will be made of their personal data, that this information may be transmitted to third parties responsible for or in charge of handling personal data and transferred to third countries, whether or not they comply with the minimum adequate requirements for the protection of personal data established by law for their treatment, and that they have accepted this freely, voluntarily, and spontaneously. They also state that the information provided is truthful, complete, accurate, and verifiable and that they can update, rectify, consult, know, or request its deletion at any time in accordance with current regulations. Likewise, it is stated that the provided information is truthful, complete, accurate, and verifiable, and can be updated, rectified, accessed, known, or requested for deletion at any time in accordance with current regulations. Furthermore, it expressly authorizes the sending of text messages (SMS and/or MMS), messages via messaging platforms and/or social networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.), postal or certified mail, and emails.
  • By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to grant Infinitek Paris all rights to use their image in part or in whole in any multimedia or audiovisual material (photos, videos, audios) recorded during the acceptance and execution of this activity. Failure to grant these rights will be considered as non-acceptance of the prize.

In the event that the winner does not comply with any of the aforementioned points, the prize will be annulled.


Festival Dúo Woman (3 al 12 de marzo 2025)

  • Promoción válida para la compra de 2 o más productos individuales. Se aplicará el 20% de descuento con el cupón DUOIK20 aplicado en el carrito de compras o en la página de pago.
  • No aplica para kits ni sets con más de 3 productos.
  • Los dúos pueden armarse libremente, siempre que sean dos o más  productos individuales.
  • Vigencia hasta agotar existencias.
  • No acumulable con otras promociones o descuentos.